Igniting My Professional Passion

The key to success on every journey is to take that first step. In this digital age, businesses that do not make advancements fall behind—and fast.

Truth is, my career path has been like a winding road, with my first step directing me to the music industry. My foray into technology has been like that of an orchestra conductor, who first masters each instrument, then uses that knowledge to successfully lead the band. To deliver the best business solutions, I start with an understanding of the business need. Then I apply that information to enable its success.

I’ve learned to trust my instincts. I am resilient and I dig in with grit, determination, and passion. I believe in ensuring that my relationships are beneficial, and I am an advocate of creating a solid network of professionals of varied backgrounds and experiences from cross-functional industries. My advice: Grow and nurture your network; they will be your lifeline. They challenge me, stretch me, and offer diverse viewpoints and perspectives.

Never compromise on integrity, and always strive to know more. Invest in learning every aspect of the task at hand, and be open to lateral moves and promotions. Seek to understand your business goals and then exceed each of them. We are all gifted with 86,400 seconds per day. How we use this gift is what makes the difference. Each of our steps helps or hinders those on the journey with us, makes the path better than we traveled, smoothes out the bumps, and repaves and fills in the potholes for others. Pack your own sunshine for the journey ahead!

I am hopeful that women’s roles in the male-dominated technology field will continue to evolve. As one of a few female leaders in this field, I am frequently asked if I have ever relied on my gender to land a job—and if I have to wear high heels. My response? Being a woman might have gotten me an interview, but what I know and how I perform is what keeps me in the seat. I dress on my own terms; comfort is top priority. I wear tennis shoes and cowboy boots. The more women enter this field, the more we can work to change stereotypes about women in the workplace and close the pay gap.